Sunday, February 10, 2008

Day 10 - Lokah samastha sukhino bhavanthu

I found out that Amber was teaching a Detox Flow class at Rain City Yoga in the Seattle U-District, and I was so glad I cruised over to the website in time to catch it. Amber Tande is an amazing yoga teacher, and I was stoked that her partner, Colin was also there, correcting our postures. Julie, with whom I take classes in Redmond also came, and I was so happy to see her.

We did 2 and a half hours of asanas and chanting, and I learned a new chant:

Lokah samastha sukhino bhavanthu.
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness.

I was glowing with so much bliss afterwards that the fact that I had forgotten my phone at home, and that I was forever stuck in slower than oatmeal traffic to get back, and then I had to frantically run to catch bus #8 to Capitol Hill to go to Laurel's, just did not faze me at all.

Later, I would tell Brendan this when we were walking to Trader Joe's and he asked me what I get out of doing yoga. "The ability to deal with the shenanigans of life more gracefully," said I.

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