Friday, February 8, 2008

Day 8 - Moola Bandha

We woke up fully intending on going to the Obama rally.

My morning Five Tibetans didn't happen. I practiced my moola bandha instead. That is a round-about way to say that we had sex.

"Bandha" is a Sanskrit word meaning to bind or to restrain. In Yoga it's a technique that works like a valve to sustain energy in our body, and you work it by contracting three groups of muscles: in the pelvic floor, around the anus, the genitals and in between in the perineum.

Moola bandha is at the perineum in the male and at the cervix in the female body. At first it feels like doing Kegels, but as you advance you'd have to squeeze and relax each muscle group until they're isolated from each other.

Moola bandha has powerful effects on the nervous system and endocrine glands, but its main effects are on the energy systems of the body. Even though it appears to be a simple muscular contraction the real work is psychic.

Moola bandha is a means to sexual control and to alleviate a multitude of sexual problems. MB allows one to direct sexual energy either upward for spiritual development or downward to enhance marital relations. Guilt, frustration and suppression of sexual energy are removed.

It also increases sexual retentive power. This increase creates more sexual satisfaction. Sexual relationships will be more enjoyable and spiritually more meaningful through this practice known as moola bandha. Watch your sex life grow!

I will write more about Bandhas and Chakras as I learn about them.

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