Sunday, February 3, 2008

Day 3- Yoga without Yoga

I stayed up too late on Saturday night, but on Sunday I woke up really early. My mom came to visit, and we spent the whole day together. My body turned, sighing at my Go Go Go Life. We went to the Seattle Center for Tet in Seattle. Then we took the bus downtown to get some art for her hair salon. It was super cold. I was burning up inside, but outside I smiled really big to assure my mom that I was okay. I kept breathing. Ujjayi breath creates internal fire, I had learned, so I kept breathing.

I spent the whole day with my family, and when I got back to my apartment, it was really late. I was so exhausted. I did *maybe* two minutes of some quick vinyasas, and literally fell in my bed.

I kept thinking that I could have done yoga in the morning before my mom came, but I was cleaning up my apartment. I try to rationalize by remember one of my teacher's Vidal words, "Yoga is unity. When you spend time with people you love. That's yoga." See, I did yoga today. I told myself. I wanted to stay up and do my Baron Baptiste: Soul of Strength DVD, but I was totally K.O'ed.

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