Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Day 5 - When One Door Closes

So I have this teacher, Amber, who taught regularly at the Sanctuary in Redmond on Tuesday and Thursday nights, and I would go religiously. But she's currently pregnant and just about to pop one out, so she's taking some time off.

Ever since she left, my usual Tues/Thurs practice has been lackluster. I rationalize for the fact that the other teachers are just not as good as she is. Their flows don't make as much sense. Their explanations shorter, and their presence just not as big.

So today I went and took my first Tuesday Class Without Amber. The teacher, Larissa, was fun. She had a great sense of humor, and I was really glad I went. Her style is different from Amber's, but I am okay with that. I even feel grateful to experience both of their styles.

I forgot my yoga pants. I had grabbed a shirt of the same color thinking I was grabbing my pants. So I did yoga in my designer office black pants instead. Thank god I didn't wear a skirt today.

I came home and found out that I had misunderstood a text message my boyfriend sent earlier. He wasn't coming to see me like I thought. I broke down. It wasn't really that big of a deal, and he had a very good excuse....err... reason. I had just been thinking about seeing him all day so much that it just felt like a real big let down.

Then I got to thinking about my yoga classes, and how I had set up the bar, the expectation for them to be just like Amber's, so I didn't give other teachers a chance, really. My boyfriend called, I am not mad at you, I said, I am mad at my expectations.

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