Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Day 12 - Yoga as Drug

Yoga, above all, is a drug.

I'm serious. Anything that can make you feel ecstatic and keep you coming back for more, by definition, is a drug.

And if we're all going with that definition of yoga, then I have been getting my fix regularly every Tuesday and Thursday for a little while; that is, until my dealer stopped working. (By dealer I mean teacher, sorry if I'm stretching this drug analogy a bit).

I always feel a-maze-ing after Amber's class. You know that "The Simpsons" episode where Mr. Burns took some drug to keep him alive, and as a side effect, he glowed like an alien and wandered around saying, "I bring you loooooooooooooove. I bring you peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeace" in a sing-songy voice? Well, if you know what I'm talking about, that's how I feel. (If you don't, click here)

Now that my favorite teacher is gone, in her place are other teachers, one with distinctly different styles, with which I'm having a hard time, a very hard time.

I like who she is as a person, but I cannot stand her teaching style.

I know, *super* unyogic of me, but I get very stressed out in her classes. It's true. My yoga class is stressing me out.

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